George Dixon Academy

Portland Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B16 9GD

0121 566 6565


 Attendance Guide .pdfDownload
 Attendance Letter Sept 2024.pdfDownload
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Hi everyone,

I am Mr Harrison and I would like to take some time to introduce myself and to let you know what my role is here at George Dixon and how I can support pupils and families with regards to attendance.

I thrive on building relationships with families and working relentlessly to support them the best way possible when it comes to attendance and welfare.

My role at George Dixon is Attendance and Welfare Officer and I work on attendance matters within the school.

I am here to help and support with breaking down any barriers that are preventing your child/ren attending school.

I am fully aware of obstacles and constraints that may impact your child's ability to attend school. It is essential that you communicate these with school so we can assist in every way possible to ensure regular attendance remains possible.

If you have any concerns, questions or would like to discuss any attendance matters, please call the school and arrange a meeting.

Contact: Email or call Mr Harrison on 07852574876 (7am - 3:45pm).

Attendance Rules and Procedures at George Dixon Academy

Please see here to read our Guide for Families with important information to ensure that children attend regularly and on time.
Our latest Attendance Policy (PDF) can be found here.
Our expectations:
  • Students to attend the Academy every day
  • Students to be on time at the start of the day
  • Students to arrive on time to ALL lessons
  • If your child is late to Academy they will be monitored closely and you will be contacted.
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