Old Dixonians are doing wonderful things in wonderful places.

Mr Russell Hayes

Class of 2011

Former Teacher of French, Head of Foreign Languages, Head of EAL, Head of Languages

When did you become a teacher?

1975 at St Peters College, I got my certificate of education at Newman Collge.

What is your fondest memory of working at George Dixon?

Every day! The friendliness of the pupils and when Portland School and George Dixon joined together.

How has life been for you post George Dixon?

I volunteer, have done charity work and I am the vice president of a primary school. I am a church warden at St Micheal's and am chair of the PCC. I also teach adults English.

Zaahirah Thakur

Class of 2010

I started at George Dixon at the time where Sir Robert Dowling was the head teacher. It’s safe to say these were the most memorable years of my life. I stayed on to see Martin block getting demolished and celebrating 100 years of George Dixon school . Our school year was the first to actually study international baccalaureate. I moved on to study a BA hons degree in Marketing and Events management, after a few lovely years of work in events, I finally settled into a civil service job with two children ages 6 and 3 and I’m currently working as a litigating officer at OPG. The testimonial is to show that there is genuinely no limit to learning and life can take you to lots and lots of beautiful and new opportunities. Onwards and upwards. Thank you to George Dixon for the most tremendous start.

Mr Stephen Walker

Class of 2010

Former teacher of Geography, Economics, Exam Secretary and Head of Careers

When did you become a teacher?

1979 from University of Birmingham, completing my post-grad at Warwick. I worked part time at Matthew Boulton.

What is your fondest memory of working at George Dixon?

It's hard to say! I enjoyed the pantomines (particularly Cinderella!) that were held and the sports.

How has life been for you post George Dixon?

Busy! I volunteer in Solihull, raises money for charities and am currently raising funds for defibrillators to go in public areas.

Victoria Kiawete

Class of 2008

I attended George Dixon when the head teacher was being changed. We had an acting head then Mr Hamilton joined. I went through the transition of the burgundy uniform to the current black and blue for my last year in the school. I left George Dixon and went on to Solihull sixth form college and then went to DeMontfort Leicester and the UCB to finish my studies in Sports Science & Coaching. I moved to London where I overcame my struggles and at 23 I purchased my own Gym franchise. I now own and consult for several business and mentor young women and men in well-being and self-development.

Steve Tchoumba

Class of 2006

Steve started here as a student in 2001. Steve had an interview with Mr Mann, but Steve didn’t speak English so Mr Mann spoke French. His favourite subjects at school were Music and Drama. He was a very good student and became the head student in Year 11.

Steve left George Dixon in 2006 and went on to Coventry University. He returned to George Dixon to become a Teaching Assistant. He is now a director of a company called ActivSpaces which is a tech hub in Cameroon. This company is for young Africans to transform their ideas into businesses. Steve hopes to get involved in politics in the long term. His favourite colour is brown.

Good luck in the future, Mr Steve!

Priva Mahmoud, 9.1

I bumped into Steve Tchoumba who was a student here at George Dixon Academy.
He started here as a student in 2001 and he was very good at Maths and the experience was fun. He was allowed to play music and work with other schools. After he left George Dixon he went to Coventry University.  He is now an executive director with an ActivSpace. He also participated in the Archbishop Tutu Fellowship Programme.

Sehar Shabraz, 9.1

Dr Mohammed Rahman

Class of 2006

Dr Mohammed Rahman is a senior lecturer in Criminology in the School of Social Sciences. He has published internationally, including books and peer reviewed articles in his primary area of research serious and organised crime. He started life at BCU in 2008 as an undergraduate and between 2008 and 2018, he completed four degrees and two postgraduate certificates. He is network expert member for the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime.

Paul Cutmore

Class of 1982

I attended George Dixon from 1977 to 1982. I lived on Summerfield Crescent near the reservoir and although I experienced some challenging situations, I can honestly say I loved my time at George Dixon, so much so that I set up a group on Facebook called George Dixon school friends, for ex-pupils to reminisce and post photos and memories. It is now at over 1400 members, I think that shows that people really can look back on their school days fondly. As a child I started out quite shy, but George Dixon brought me out of myself to the extent that I have had a career in sales ever since, my ability to be able to speak to anyone and build relationships, I completely put down to my time at George Dixon.

James Finister

Class of 1980

I did learn some things, particularly about geography, English, physics and history. I'm now an Engagement Director in one of the world's biggest companies, speaking at conferences around the globe. The annoying thing is all those languages I thought were irrelevant because I'd never been further than Blackpool on holiday would have come in useful.

Rabbi Dr. Micheal Shire

Class of 1977

I'm a Professor of Religious Education at a postgraduate College in Boston, Massachusetts. I am married with two adult children.

Wendy Rake

Class of 1973

I was Wendy Newman at school. I'm now 61 and retired after 40 years in the Civil Service, in the welfare state working for DHSS, DWP and then Jobcentre plus. I've been married twice and have two children now aged 33 and 31, and two grandsons.


Paul Edwards

Class of 1972

I joined the Royal Air Force as a mechanic working on Harrier jet. I left the RAF and started working on electrical maintenance in industry until redundancy forced me to look at a career change. I went to a teacher training college and then taught engineering for ten years, finishing as a senior lecturer.

For the last thirty years, I have been a consultant/trainer, specialising in health and safety for the theatre and performing arts.

Brian Adams

Class of 1970

Brian was born in 1952 in Rotton Park Road (withing a 1d bus ride of George Dixon!). He went to City Road Primary school and developed a passion for all things sporty! He was actually born at half time on the FA Cup Final Day in 1952 when Newcastle beat Arsenal 1 - 0 and he has a programme from the match!

Professor John Posnett

Class of 1970

Who was your favourite teacher at George Dixon?

John Endall, the Headteacher at the time was Mr Mends.

What is your favourite memory of your time here?

I made a lot of good friends. I loved George Dixon and owe my whole career to this school.

What did you do after George Dixon?

I studied Economics at The University of York for three years, graduating in 1973, before becoming a lecturer and professor of Economics there. I worked within Economics for 46 years!

What advice would you give current George Dixon pupils?

Choose a job that you enjoy doing.

What is your favourite colour?


What is your favourite sport?


Ruqiya Abbas-Bashir, 8.6 & Husnah Touryakhil, 8.4

Martin McGuinness

Class of 1968

Martin grew up in Winson Green, about half a mile away from the prison. He lived in Heath Street, there was a big GKN factory at the bottom of the street which seemed to go on for ages. There were 8 children and Mom and Dad in the three-bed council house. It got a bit crowded as they all grew up. They eventually moved into Stirling Road, Edgbaston, to a house more suited to their needs. The move took place just as Martin was leaving George Dixon after his fifth year and completely messing up his 'O' levels, ending up with three. Maths, Chemistry and Geography, all grade 6 if his memory is correct. He feels it's his fault as he didn't work hard enough, and he also had developed a passion for playing pinball machines, and to this day, he doesn't don't know why, but it passed the evenings away when he should have been studying.

He still lives in Birmingham, just off the Hagley Road behind the Cock & Magpies pub which is now a Miller & Carter Steakhouse. He still keeps fit and plays tennis. He goes out running and still lives within a mile of George Dixon.

He has been married for 46 years, still with the same girl!  He has two boys, one is a teacher in Dronfield (between Chesterfield and Sheffield), he is 36. The other is the Midlands Are rep for Tarmac, he's 28 and he can't get rid of him, he's been 'moving out' for three years!

Peter Davies

Class of 1966

My time at GD was good, and I’m still in touch with a few of my cohort, though and sadly, we are a diminishing number. Some teachers especially set my imagination ablaze for their subjects: Mr John Endall (Geography), Mr Dick Lewis (Economics), Mr EW Long (Spanish), without whose gift of bequeathing a love for things Hispanic I would not have spent a number of years working as a bank director in Madrid in the early post-democracy years. In more recent times his gift lives on for me though mission in Peru and translating for colleagues from there visiting the UK. So, with a portfolio of ‘careers’ through banking and trading in the financial markets, to various voluntary roles and projects in church ministry, helping to run a cathedral, through to ordination in 2013, fulfilling a calling first put to me in 1962! Yes, I was a bit slow on the uptake! Post-GD and post-salaried work were completed in 2004 with a Masters in Theology from Oxford, with a special interest emerging in the theology of the built environment and the theology and ethics of money; the latter following having traded in billions of other peoples’ money. Music was another great gift from GD, and the School can be rightly proud of its reputation for bringing players, singers and composers to life-long engagement in its performance and appreciation.