At George Dixon Academy, SMSC and ‘British values’ is embedded in our curriculum, (e.g, PSHE, English, Maths, Science, etc).
What is SMSC?
SMSC stands for social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.
The promotion of ‘SMSC’ helps children develop personal qualities, which are valued in a civilised society; for example, thoughtfulness, honesty, respect for difference, moral principles, independence, and self-respect. We seek to teach these qualities across the curriculum and throughout school life and link them closely to our school values and ethos. These qualities are also embedded and reinforced through our SMSC/ PSHE and Careers programme and values-based assemblies.
At George Dixon Academy ‘SMSC is effectively promoted through;
- Our whole Academy ethos
- Pastoral care, guidance and support
- Analysis of behaviour, bullying and discriminatory behaviour
- A broad and balanced curriculum
- Values-based assemblies
- Involvement in fundraising and support for a variety of charities
- PSHE and Careers programme delivered during form time
- Student voice
- Enrichment activities e.g. trips, visits and outside speakers who visit school
- Extra – curricular activities during lunch and afterschool
- Maintaining positive relationships with the wider community