If your child is not able to attend school, you must notify the Academy on the first day of absence as soon as possible. You must state your child’s name and the reason for absence. Contact can be made via telephone on 0121 566 6565, option 2 (24 hour answerphone) ideally before 8.30am and every subsequent day of absence updating the Academy on your child’s condition and expected date of return.
If contact is not made to the Academy with reason for a child’s absence an automated call is made where you can leave a message, stating your child’s name and reason for absence. Further enquiries for reason for absence will be taken by the Academy when there has been no response and safeguarding procedures will be followed.
The decision to authorise an absence can only be taken by the Attendance Lead or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. If the Academy decide that the reason is not valid and a child does not attend school, the absence will not be authorised and this could result in legal action being taken.
To report absences, download our Parent App using this link: