The Academy has a duty to report persistent absentees to the Local Authority and the Department for Education.

The Academy reports on the number of sessions a pupil is absent from the Academy.  The number of sessions can result in a child being classified as a persistent absentee. This is then recorded by the Local Authority and Department for Education.  If persistent absences are unauthorised by the Academy a formal referral is made to the Local Authority to investigate whether an offence has been committed under Section 444(1)(1a) of the Education Act 1996 for failing to ensure regular school attendance of your child which can result in legal intervention.

Prosecutions are bought under S444 of the Education Act 1996.


I do not live with the child or I am a step parent can I still be prosecuted?

Yes, Section 576 Education Act 1996 defines ‘parent’ as:

  • Any natural parent, whether married or not
  • Any parent who, although not a natural parent, has parental responsibility as defined in the Children’s Act (1989) for a child or young person

Any person, who, although not a natural parent, has care of a child or young person on a day to day basis.

The Academy has a duty to report persistent absentees to the Local Authority and the Department for Education.

The Academy reports on the number of sessions a pupil is absent from the Academy.  The number of sessions can result in a child being classified as a persistent absentee. This is then recorded by the Local Authority and Department for Education.  If persistent absences are unauthorised by the Academy a formal referral is made to the Local Authority to investigate whether an offence has been committed under Section 444(1)(1a) of the Education Act 1996 for failing to ensure regular school attendance of your child which can result in legal intervention.

Prosecutions are bought under S444 of the Education Act 1996.


I do not live with the child or I am a step parent can I still be prosecuted?

Yes, Section 576 Education Act 1996 defines ‘parent’ as:

  • Any natural parent, whether married or not
  • Any parent who, although not a natural parent, has parental responsibility as defined in the Children’s Act (1989) for a child or young person

Any person, who, although not a natural parent, has care of a child or young person on a day to day basis.

The Academy has a duty to report persistent absentees to the Local Authority and the Department for Education.

The Academy reports on the number of sessions a pupil is absent from the Academy.  The number of sessions can result in a child being classified as a persistent absentee. This is then recorded by the Local Authority and Department for Education.  If persistent absences are unauthorised by the Academy a formal referral is made to the Local Authority to investigate whether an offence has been committed under Section 444(1)(1a) of the Education Act 1996 for failing to ensure regular school attendance of your child which can result in legal intervention.

Prosecutions are bought under S444 of the Education Act 1996.


I do not live with the child or I am a step parent can I still be prosecuted?

Yes, Section 576 Education Act 1996 defines ‘parent’ as:

  • Any natural parent, whether married or not
  • Any parent who, although not a natural parent, has parental responsibility as defined in the Children’s Act (1989) for a child or young person

Any person, who, although not a natural parent, has care of a child or young person on a day to day basis.